Hale’s Honey is of the wildflower variety. In Kentucky, it is really hard to get honey of a particular variety. Hale’s Honey comes from a combination of clover, locusts, poplar trees, and wildflowers. The honey flow in our area typically starts around the last week in April but depends entirely on the weather and the bloom. It is always hard to tell just what kind of year we will have for honey production. All we can do is get the hives strong and let them do their job. Mother Nature controls most of it. The past few years we have averaged #100-120 of honey per hive. Our honey production per hive has increased each of the last three years. I believe this is due to our development of our queens through the selection process for grafting from only previous years’ top honey-producing hives queens.
At this time we do not offer online ordering. If you are interested in purchasing honey, it can be picked up at our apiary. Just contact us or give us a call at 606-768-3408